A Basic SISO Exmaple.

Given the uncertain plant, defined in real factored form with parametric uncertainty

Plant Definition

In the new object oriented QFT toolbox the plant is defined inan m-file or command line as

num = [k*wn*wn k*wn*wn*a];
den = [1 2*z*wn wn*wn];
P = qplant(num,den);

Each of the uncertain parameters is definced as a qpar object. A qpar object such as k is defined usgin the syntex par = qpar(name,nom,lbnd,ubnd,cases). where name is string; nom, lbnd, ubnd a re scalaric numbers describing the nominl value, lower bound, and upper bound, respectively; cases is an optional input which tellsthe number of uncertain cases, i.e. the unmber of grid points. For exmaple

k = qpar('k',2,2,5,8)`
    k = 

    qpar with properties:

       name: 'k'
    nominal: 2
      lower: 2
      upper: 5
      cases: 8

Two or more qpar objects can be combined together into a qexpression, an object which stores the parametric description along with a list of all envolded qpar objects. For exmaple

exp = k*wn*wn
    exp = 

    qexpression with properties:

    expression: '(k * wn) * wn'
          pars: [2×1 qpar]

The numerator an denomenator are defined using a raw vector of qpar, qexpression, or numeric objects. The first element is the n-order coefficient and so on. The result is a qpoly element with all coefficients and parameters

den = [1 2*z*wn wn*wn]
    den = 

    qpoly with coefficients

     s2: 1
     s1: '(2 * z) * wn'
     s0: 'wn * wn'

Finally, P is an instance of a qplant class, defined by two qpoly elemetns definning the numerator and denomenator.

P = qplant(num,den)
    P = 

    qplant with properties 

          num: [1×1 qpoly]
          den: [1×1 qpoly]
         pars: [4×1 qpar]
    templates: []
      nominal: []
         info: 'generated from [num,den] data on: 15-Jan-2019 10:44:30'

Note that the preperties templates and nominal are empty. They require computation. The nominal case is computed by the command cnom as follows


The nominal case that is computed is a qfr object. It acts very simailarly to Matlab's LTI object. Hance, a Bode plot is drawn by

figure, bode(P.nominal)

If one wish to plot other cases (not the noiminal), the commands bodecases and niccases are useful. For exmaple, to plot the Bode for uniform grid of parameter cases

figure, bodcases(P);

A specific set of cases is shown by

pars = [1 3; 2 5; 8 4; 0.3 0.3];
figure, bodcases(P,pars);

Template Computation

The templates are computed using ctpl. To compute using recurcive edge grid (aedgrid) at selected frequencies and show

w = [0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50];
    Calculating templates by recurcive edge grid

    for w=0.2 [rad/s] 
    for w=0.5 [rad/s] 
    for w=1 [rad/s] 
    for w=2 [rad/s] 
    for w=5 [rad/s] 
    for w=10 [rad/s] 
    for w=20 [rad/s] 
    for w=50 [rad/s] 

    ans =

    qplant with properties

          num: [1×1 qpoly]
          den: [1×1 qpoly]
         pars: [4×1 qpar]
    templates: [8×1 qtpl]
      nominal: [1×1 qfr]
         info: 'generated from [num,den] data on: 15-Jan-2019 10:44:30'



It is now time for the specifications. The 6dB sensitivity specs. are defined as a qsps object

spec1 = qspc('odsrs',w,6)`
    spec1 = 

    qspc with properties:

         name: 'odsrs'
    frequency: [0.2000 0.5000 1 2 5 10 20 50]
        upper: [6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6]
        lower: []
      timespc: []
      timeres: []

The servo specifications are defined by

spec2 = qspc.rsrs([1.2 0.2],10,1.5,[],logspace(-1,2),2.85,3.1)`
    spec2 = 

    qspc with properties:

         name: 'rsrs'
    frequency: [50×1 double]
        upper: [50×1 double]
        lower: [50×1 double]
      timespc: [8×3 double]
      timeres: [109×3 double]

The two computed specs. can be shown using the command show(spcName).

Horowitz-Sidi bounds computation

With the templates and frequency domain specifications we can now compute the Horowitz-Sidi (H-S) bounds. First we create a qdesign object which will facilitates the bounds creation and loop shaping design. The bounds can than be computed using the command cbnd(spcname) with the specification name. The bounds are shown by showbnd(spcname) For the sensitivity spec.:

des = qdesign(P,[spec1 spec2])`
    You now have a QFT loop desgin object. Compute bounds using CBND

    des = 

    qdesign with properties:

    tpl: [8×1 qtpl]
    nom: [1×1 qfr]
    spc: [1×2 qspc]
    bnd: []
    col: [8×3 double]
    Calculating bounds for odsrs 
    w(1) = 0.2 [rad/s]
    w(2) = 0.5 [rad/s]
    w(3) = 1 [rad/s]
    w(4) = 2 [rad/s]
    w(5) = 5 [rad/s]
    w(6) = 10 [rad/s]
    w(7) = 20 [rad/s]
    w(8) = 50 [rad/s]

Similarly for the servo specifications,

    Calculating bounds for rsrs     
    w(1) = 0.2 [rad/s]
    w(2) = 0.5 [rad/s]
    w(3) = 1 [rad/s]
    w(4) = 2 [rad/s]
    w(5) = 5 [rad/s]
    w(6) = 10 [rad/s]
    w(7) = 20 [rad/s]
    w(8) = 50 [rad/s]

Loop Shaping

Now we can do loop shaping! We use showbnd to plot the dominant bounds. Note the use of the figure handle h to show all bounds on the same chart. The feedback compensator can be defined by e.g. zpk from the Control Systems Toolbox.

h = showbnd(des,'odsrs',[],[5 10 20 50]);
showbnd(des,h,'rsrs',[0.2 0.5 1 2]); % define the compensator G(s):
s = zpk(0,[],1);
G = 2.5*(1+s/6)*(1+2*0.6*s/4+s^2/16)/s/(1+s)/(1+s/3.2)/(1+s/26);
    G =

    2.5 (1+s/6) (1 + 1.2(s/4) + (s/4)^2)
       s (1+s) (1+s/3.2) (1+s/26)

    Continuous-time zero/pole/gain model.
loopnic(des,G) % plot G*Pnom on NC`

Note that each frequency has a dedicated color in which the bound and nominal point are drawn


The prefilte ris now designed. To view the closed loop time response with , the command clmag(des,G,1) is used.

ylim([-55 10])

With a properly designed we have

F = 1/(1+2*0.83*s/3.4+s^2/3.4^2)
    F =

    (1 + 1.66(s/3.4) + (s/3.4)^2)

    Continuous-time zero/pole/gain model.
ylim([-55 10])

That concludes the design!